Grid specialist frameworks for better layout design

As a passionate graphic and web designer I have a love for grids and layouts that are well structured. I use frameworks in most of my designs.

What is a grid in Graphic Design?

A grid is an approach to formatting a design. A grid consists of horizontal and vertical elements and modules that create a structure for your work.

Both novice and experienced designers know how important a layout is when designing. It is the most basic and fundamental element of any project. Grids provide a consistent framework to organise graphic elements, such as fonts and images, in a hierarchy. If you want to use a grid or break away from it altogether, you must first understand the basics of a grid system.

grid framework design specialist
grid framework design specialist

How I use grids in Graphic Design?

I remember when I started using grids more and more in my work, I noticed how much faster I could format a page. They really help you keep your design organised and structured. They take some decisions away from the design, because you can easily see where a part should go.

They are especially useful if you are designing documents with a lot of text, such as magazines or reports, where you need consistency. If you are working on a project with other designers or following company guidelines, a grid ensures that your designs all have the same structure. Of course this also applies to websites.

Because grids create a system, I help clients to ensure that a layout is balanced and has a good sense of proportion. In a final design, a grid will help with legibility and clarity, even if the grid is invisible to the untrained eye. I use grids in print, web and graphics.

So grids help give your page balance and structure. They make it very easy to align elements within your design and make it much simpler to work out where to place things. As a web designers I work within grids so their pages adapt correctly for different size devices. I know most print designers don’t use them or use them wrong.

example grid framework graphic design
example grid framework graphic design

Grids I use in design

I use several grids in graphic and webdesign

Baseline grid

If you work with column grids in documents with lots of text, such as magazines, you might also want to consider using a baseline grid. A baseline grid is an invisible horizontal grid that runs across your page. It can be set in several steps, but usually you choose a step equal to the run-up of your main text.

In software like Indesign, I can then pin things to your baseline grid. This means that Indesign will only allow my text to be aligned to one of the grid lines. While this can be very handy for getting everything aligned, it can also sometimes be tricky to use because it is a very rigid structure. But I know how to work around this. Being consistent while staying flexible.

If you want to go even further, I can even tilt a grid to make the design more dynamic. Although I would probably use this sparingly for important pages rather than an entire document, as it would be harder to read.

Modular grids

Like a column grid, a modular grid can have column channels and margins, but a modular grid is also divided vertically into equal parts with horizontal channels. One of the most common ways you can use a modular grid is for a selection of images.

But you don’t have to place just one image in each of the boxes you have created. Some images can span multiple boxes to create more visual interest. You can also use them to organise text or other images.

Isotoop grids

In 2020 I developed the Isotoop grid system

Interested in grids and frameworks?

If you are looking for an experienced professional and you feel like collaborating with me in February/March/April 2025, don't hesitate to contact me.
I deliver grids and frameworks for clients in the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag, Utrecht), Belgium (Brussels, Antwerp), Europe and worldwide.
I work mainly from Amsterdam and Brussels. Leave me a message or call me via: Contact me

Designer Arthur Wentzel

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